1905 waren die 29 größten Eisenbahngesellschaften im Besitz von 21.248 Dampflokomotiven, 784.648 Personen- und Güterwagen.
Zum Vergleich siehe auch: Rollmaterial in 1875 | 1888 | 1899 | 1923 | 1936 | 1947
England und Wales
Gesellschaft | Dampflokomotiven | Personen- / Güterwagen |
London and North Western Railway | 3.055 | 84.382 |
Midland Railway | 2.931 | 124.505 1 |
Great Western Railway | 2.330 | 71.677 |
North Eastern Railway | 2.000 | 104.544 |
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway | 1.451 | 36.027 |
Great Northern Railway | 1.279 | 42.006 |
Great Eastern Railway | 1.085 | 32.207 |
Great Central Railway | 1.063 | 32.617 |
London and South Western Railway | 736 | 18.404 |
South Eastern and Chatham Railway | 734 | 15.766 |
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway | 535 | 13.654 |
Taff Vale Railway | 198 | 2.905 |
North Staffordshire Railway | 167 | 6.833 |
Furness Railway | 130 | 7.952 |
North London Railway | 122 | 1.302 |
Midland and Great Northern Railway | 101 | 934 |
Cambrian Railways | 99 | 2.799 |
Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway | 84 | 1.537 |
Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast Railway | 37 | 1.334 |
1 Die Midland Railway war zu dem Zeitpunkt die Gesellschaft mit den meisten Güterwagen. Das lag zum Teil daran, dass sie zwischen 1882 und 1902 rund 66.000 Private Owner Wagons aufgekauft und dafür 50.000 neue eigene Wagen gebaut hatte.
Gesellschaft | Dampflokomotiven | Personen- / Güterwagen |
Great Southern and Western Railway | 282 | 7.725 |
Great Northern Railway Ireland | 157 | 5.340 |
Midland Great Western Railway | 138 | 3.350 |
Belfast and Northern Counties Railway | 82 | 2.709 |
Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Railway | 58 | 1.214 |
Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway | 20 | 451 |
Gesellschaft | Dampflokomotiven | Personen- / Güterwagen |
Caledonian Railway | 902 | 67.853 |
North British Railway | 841 | 68.448 |
Glasgow and South Western Railway | 390 | 18.981 |
Highland Railway | 146 | 3.338 |
Great North of Scotland Railway | 115 | 4.305 |
"The ways of our railways", Charles H. Grinling, 1905
Die Zahlen für die Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast Railway stammen von 1906: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LD&ECR
Die Zahlen für die North London Railway stammen von 1909: http://www.nlrhs.org.uk/history.html
Die Zahlen für die Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway stammen von 1902: https://books.google.de/books?id=UTNKAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA184
Übergeordnete Seiten
Rollmaterial der Eisenbahngesellschaften | Pre-Grouping