Mit der Hibernia begann 1834 die Geschichte der Eisenbahn in Irland.
Historische Dampflokomotiven
Hibernia (erste Lokomotive in Irland)
GS&WR Engine No. 36
CB&PR No. 1
WCIR No. 3
WLR No. 10
WLR No. 28
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Wichtige Dampflokomotiven
Belfast and Northern Counties Railway (BNCR)
BNCR C Class
Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Railway (DWWR) (ab 1907 Dublin and South Eastern Railway)
DWWR 52 Class
DWWR 55 Class
Great Northern Railway (Ireland) (GNRI)
Great Southern Railways (GSR)
GSR 90 Class
GSR 372 und 393 Class
GSR 450 Class
GSR 458 Class
GSR 495 Class
GSR 545 Class
GSR 646 Class
GSR 650 Class
GSR 700 und 710 Class
GSR 800 Class
GSR Sambo
Great Southern and Western Railway (GS&WR)
GS&WR 90 Class
GS&WR 101 Class
GS&WR Dampftriebwagen No. 1
GS&WR L2 Class
Midland Great Western Railway (MGWR)
MGWR A Class
MGWR B Class
MGWR K Class
Northern Counties Committee (NCC)
NCC C1 Class
NCC W Class
NCC WT Class
NCC Y Class
Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway (SL&NCR)
SL&NCR Lough Class
Ulster Transport Authority (UTA)
UTA Class Z
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Quellen und Weblinks
Ähnliche Seiten
Diesellokomotiven in Irland, Elektrolokomotiven in Irland, Triebwagen in Irland, Geschichte der Eisenbahn in Irland